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PSC Racing Squadron

The PSC Racing Squadron offers members an opportunity to develop their racing skills right here on the Potomac River in a competitive yet friendly sailboat racing environment.  Even if you've raced sailboats before, you'll find the upper tidal Potomac River to be a worthy challenge.  For those who have never raced, the more relaxed racing environment of the Pentagon Racing Squadron offers a great opportunity to learn.


The Racing Squadron is open to all PSC members who hold at least an American Sailing Association (ASA) 101 rating, or equivalent experience.

Why Race?


  • Racing gives a goal and sense of purpose to time spent on the water.
  • Racing builds boat handling and sail trim skills.
  • Racing encourages sailors to become and remain active in sailing.
  • Racers learn the rules of the road through constant application in close proximity to other boats.
  • Racing requires teamwork -- crews must function as a well-tuned team to achieve success.
  • PSC's Racing Squadron offers the opportunity to become a racing skipper and lead your own team to victory!

Racing Opportunities

PSC's Racing Squadron competes in:

  • Four series (six races each) held on Tuesday nights from April to September.
  • One series (four races) held on Saturdays from September to November.
  • Various weekend regattas, subject to boat availability.
  • Membership in DISC, participation in DISC racing clinics and social events

History of Pentagon Racing

The Pentagon Sailing Club Racing Squadron was founded in 2006 when PSC members John Cavedo and Charlie Peck began teaching a group of Pentagon Sailing Club members the basics of racing, the nuances of sail trim, and the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing.  The program grew to a formal status in 2007, when PSC put together a formal Racing Squadron with its own charter and qualification process.  PSC teamed up with the Dangerfield Island Sailing Club (, the sponsor of our Tuesday night and most of our weekend races on the river.

Tuesday Night Racing

Tuesday night racing on PSC's fleet of Capri 22's runs from April through September.  Tuesday races are hosted by the Daingerfield Island Sailing Club, and offer members a terrific opportunity to hone their skills while racing against a fleet of more than twenty boats on a typical night.

Racers arrive at Washington Sailing Marina around 4:30PM to get their crew and boat assignments and prepare the boats for each race.  The skippers cast off at 5:30PM, and races begin at 6:30PM.  The boats return to the dock around sunset.

Weekend Races

The Racing Squadron participates in several weekend regattas and races each year, usually about one per month.  The latest events list is posted at Racing Events.

Pentagon Racing Membership Fees

Racing Squadron membership is year-long, running from 1 January to 31 December, and includes membership in Daingerfield Island Sailing Club.  Racing Squadron membership fees are detailed at the registration link in the box to the right.

How do I get started with Pentagon Racing?

Join the team by registering for the
Racing Squadron 2025 Season.

Sign up for the races in which you plan to participate on the
Google Docs Racing Sign-Up Sheet.

Racing Squadron Handbook

This handbook contains general information about the Racing Squadron and policies affecting racing with PSC and DISC.

Racing Resources

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) govern the sport of sailboat and sailboard racing.  They are revised and published every four years by World Sailing.  The current edition is available at

The Speed & Smarts website and newsletter provide a wealth of great information on the sport of sailboat racing:

Play the Rules, an interactive game in which you apply the Racing Rules of Sailing:

Get PSC Racing Squadron shirts, hats, and other gear at

© Pentagon Sailing Club
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software