PSC offers ASA 106/206, Advanced Coastal Cruising course on Adventurer with Duncan Hood
PSC will be offering an ASA 206 class on Duncan Hood's 48' Cherubini schooner, “Adventurer.” This will be a 4 day live-aboard class which, among other exercises, will include the following:
• Night time navigation without electronics
• Anchoring
• Live MOB rescue, swimmer and non-swimmer assisted
• Adverse weather preparation
• Menu planning & Meal preparation
• Docking in different marinas & configurations
• Piloting & plotting
• Electronic navigation with chartplotter, radar and autopilot
• Spinnaker (weather permitting)
The purpose behind ASA 206 certification is to train students and give them experience sailing a vessel between 30 and 50 feet in length on coastal and inland waters in varied conditions. This is meant to include mechanical problems that may come up, adverse weather conditions, emergency situations, and a single night sail. In this instructor training course (206) we will attempt to address these four areas.
All exercises are based on ASA 206 requirements as stated in the ASA logbook for that level.
Attending ASA 206 instructors are expected to have completed ASA 204/205 (Bareboat chartering/Coastal navigation), hold valid USGC Captain's licenses (if receiving consideration/compensation for teaching), and to have held these ratings for one year or more.
1 FVSM may be used for this course. Please verify you have available FVSM before registering at this rate.
This is always a fun and challenging class. Join us!